Mayor Jerry Treñas is worried about “quite a number” of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases involving young people in Iloilo City.

“Nakit-an naton ng bag-o bala nga trend sa mga cases, may mga bata-on kita nga nakit-an,” Treñas said in a press conference on Monday, Aug. 17.

Last week, Iloilo City recorded 201 additional infections, seven percent or 14 of which are patients aged 18 years old and below, accrding to Jeck Conlu, city government’s COVID-19 spokesperson.

Conlu said the youngest is a one-month-old baby boy from Jaro district.

As of Monday, the city logged a total of 576 COVID-19 cases, including 95 recoveries and 11 deaths.IMT