Two more stranded Ilonggos have tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

A 30-year-old female and a 42-year-old male from the towns of Tubungan and Pototan, respectively, are among the 12 new COVID-19 patients reported by the Deparment of Health (DOH-6) on Thursday, June 25. 

The resident of Tubungan is a locally stranded individual (LSI) while the resident of Pototan is an overseas Filipino worker (OFW).

The two are asymptomatic and are currently staying in their towns’ respective quarantine facilities.

The 10 other new COVID-19 patients in the region are from Negros Occidental (9) and Bacolod City (1). 

TThe DOH-6 also reported two new patients who recovered from COVID-19.

The region now has a total of 240 confirmed cases of the dreaded disease. The figure includes 106 active cases, 123 recoveries, and 11 deaths.

Of the active cases, three are “indigenous cases” and 103 are cases involving LSIs and OFWs.IMT