The revised Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP) of Iloilo City is expected to be approved by the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and its attached agency, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), before the end of 2022.

Jeck Conlu, head of the city government’s Public Safety and Transportation Management Office (PSTMO), said the proposed revisions to the transport route plan were based on a series of public consultations.

Once approved, the “enhanced” LPTRP will be implemented within the first quarter of of 2023, according to Conlu.

Last week, Mayor Jerry Treñas said he will “suspend forever” the implementation if the DOTr disapproves the revised LPTRP.

“We are trying our best to make it palatable to our people. Pero indi naman na pwede nga gabalabag sa tutunlan sang tawo idasok ta pa,” he lamented.

The city’s LPTRP was first implemented on June 12 after it was approved by the DOTr and was adopted by the City Council.

After almost a month of implememtation, Treñas decided to temporarily stop the implementation to give the city government time to “address the respective concerns of all stakeholders in the public transport system.”

LPTRP, which is part of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program of the national, introduces new routes and restricts provincial jeepneys from entering the city.IMT