Governor Rhodora Cadiao was inoculated with Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine this morning, April 12, at the Antique Provincial Health Office.

She was vaccinated by the Chief Nurse of the Angel Salazar Memorial General Hospital Czerwin Juales, whom the Governor as a nurse by profession, also inoculated as the first Antique frontline worker of ASMGH to receive COVID-19 vaccine on March 10, 2021.

Cadiao, in an interview, said that this vaccination hopes to boost the confidence of the Antiqueños and the senior citizens in particular to the vaccines.

Though she had a minor concern with her blood pressure, after a thorough assessment, she was declared safe to get the jab with Sinovac vaccine.

After her inoculation, she encouraged the Antiqueños to subject themselves also to vaccination to get protection against coronavirus.

Likewise, she urged the other senior citizens like her to get the jab for them to get protected against the disease.

Cadiao is set to get the second dose of Sinovac vaccine 28 days after her first immunization today..

On the other hand, she called on everyone to continue their strict adherence to health protocols especially that there is an increasing COVID- 19 cases in Antique.

All are also enjoined to show compassion and understanding rather than blame and discriminate against those who get positive of the virus.

In cases someone felt the symptoms, the Governor urged them to inform the nearest rural health unit for proper action.

She emphasized that the early isolation and treatment could really matter to ensure the cure and safety of the patients and their families.

Cadiao assured the Antiqueños that the local health authorities are on top of the situation, adding that the ASMGH is already converted to COVID hospital that is accepting severe and critical patients.JBG/psm/PIA-Antique