A bill that seeks to improve the services and facilities of the Western Visayas Medical Center (WVMC) in Mandurriao district, Iloilo City has hurdled the House of Representatives’ committee level.

Members of the Committee on Health approved on Sept. 30 House Bill No. 909 sponsored by Iloilo City Representative Julienne “Jam Jam” Baronda.

Boranda is confident that the bill, which is now on its way to the plenary discussions, will make it through the 18th Congress.

“The passage of the bill is of utmost importance to guarantee health for all and uplift the quality of life and well-being of the people in Western Visayas,” she said.

The bill specifically aims to increase the bed capacity, upgrade the existing facilities, and increase the number of medical personnel of WVMC.

If the bill is enacted into law, the bed capacity of the hospital will be increased to 700 from 425.

“It has been twenty-seven years since the last upgrade in bed capacity despite the continued growth in population of its clientele and the expansion of its services to people coming from neighboring provinces,” Baronda said.

From 200, the bed capacity of the hospital, under Republic Act No. 7198, was increased to 400 on Feb. 25, 1992, Baronda said

“Then in 1995, the Department of Health (DOH) gave WVMC supervisory powers over the 25-bed Pototan Mental Health Unit,” said added.

Baronda said that by this year, the population of Iloilo City is expected to reach 500 thousand.

“Obviously, the current 425 bed capacity of WVMC pose a great challenge to the medical workers and personnel in the delivery of quality and affordable healthcare for the people of Iloilo and neighboring provinces,” she said.

The increase in bed capacity of the hospital, based on the bill, will be implemented for a period of not more than two years from the effectivity of the measure.

To conform with and be commensurate to the increase on its bed capacity, the existing facilities and professional health services of WVMC, will be upgraded.

The existing workforce of WVMC will also be correspodingly increased.

Under the bill, the DOH, in coordination with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and WVMC, will determine the additional plantilla positions to be created.

“The Secretary of Health shall immediately include in the Department’s programs the implementation of this Act, the funding of which shall be included in the General Appropriations Act,” the bill stated.

Baronda said the bill was first filed in the 17th Congress by former congressman and now City Mayor Jerry P. Trenas.

“However, due to time constraints, no further action was taken on it. I am pursuing this measure for consideration in the 18th Congress,” she explained.IMT