The Bureau of Fire Protection and Iloilo City Central Office has been placed under “extreme enhanced community quarantine” for three days after one of its personnel tested positve for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

The mandate is contained in Executive Order No. 091 issued by Mayor Jerry Treñas.

“The Iloilo City Government is empowered to impose necessary measures, by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-EID) to impose extreme enhanced community quarantine to prevent the spread or local transmission of COVID-19, and to conduct COVID-19 testing to detect the infected persons,” a portion of the EO stated.

Under the EO, the three-day period starts from June 15, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. until June 18, 2020 at. 11:59 p.m.

All BFP-6 personnel, who were on active duty from June 9, 2020, are required to undergo 14 days of home quarantine or facility quarantine.

They are also ordered to submit themselves to COVID-19 testing and contact tracing procedures

More than a hundred BFP personnel were exposed to the coronavirus-positive patient, according to the City Health Office.

The office, situated on Macario Paralta Street in City Proper, will be subjected to decontamination and sanitation protocols.

The infected BFP-6 personnel arrived in Iloilo City from Cebu on June 6. She underwent RT-PCR testing and was quarantined at Go Hotel-Iloilo City.

On June 9, the personnel “was pulled out from the hotel and reported for active duty at [their office].”

Her positive test result was released by the Department of Health (DOH-6) on June 13.

In a press conference on Monday morning, Treñas he was disappointed with the BFP-6 for not immediately informing the city government about their infected personnel.

“Mapadala kita complaint sa IATF,” the mayor said.IMT

Photo by Arnold Almacen