The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages in Iloilo City has been lifted.

Mayor Jerry Treñas issued on Tuesday afternoon, April 21, an executive order (EO) “modifying the prohibition on liquor.”

“Effective immediately the selling of any form of liquor, alcoholic beverages, or any alcoholic drink containing specific percentage of alcohol by volume or weight, which may be in the form of whisky, brandy, gin, rum, cordial, liquor, cocktail, wine, champagne, vermouth, basi, tuba, saki, ale, stout, and the like shall be allowed,” EO No. 066 stated.

Drinking in public, however, “shall remain prohibited”

Kon magbakal sila, indi sila pwede kainom sa public, dira lang sa ila balay,” Treñas said in a press conference Tuesday morning.

Kag kon mag-inom dapat indi sila magtipon-tipon. This is also part man sang aton amat amat nga pagbalik sa normal,” he added.

Other restrictions are as follows:
-Social distancing measures shall be onserved at all times, if and when alcoholic beverages are consumed.
-The prohibition on mass gathering of persons, such as fiesta celebrations, and other similar activities, shall still remain to be in full force and effect.
-The prohibition shall be automatically reimposed if there are any reported violations or abuses to the above-mentioned guidelines.

The city government imposed the ban on alcoholic beverages during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).

Yesterday, April 20, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said President Rodrigo Duterte is leaving it to local goverment units (LGUs) to decide whether to lift the liquor ban in their respective areas.IMT