A 52-year-old Ilongga athlete proved that age doesn’t matter in sports after she bagged three gold medals in the Philippine Idol – National Battle of Arnisadors – Battle of Champions.

Maria Lucy U. Muralla wowed the spectators in the just-concluded tournament with her impressive gold medal wins in the Above 40 female Largo Strike (1 meter), Traditional Anyo Double-Bladed Weapon and Continuous Strike (Redonda) categories.

The arnis martial arts blackbelter said she’s happy that, at 52, she can still compete and capture gold medals in National Arnis Martial Arts Championships. She is also the most senior arnisador to join the national tournament.

To recall, this was the second tournament of Muralla after she clinched two gold medals in the National Arnis Martial Arts Competition in Angeles City, Pampanga in April.

Being a late boomer, Muralla also balances her time as she also works as Regional Labor and Employment Officer in the Department of Labor and Employment – Region 6

She also revealed that arnis is not her sports given that she played it at the age of 40. “It was due to family squabbles that lead to death threats that made me enter into martial arts. I need to learn some self-defense and arnis came across me,” Muralla said.IMT Sports