The most recent public reaction over the heavy traffic jam in Ungka, Pavia that resulted to people invading the problematic Ungka Flyover is a manifestation of the people’s sovereign will and shows only how people regardless of affiliation and cause can unite as one to push their sentiments regardless of warnings and barricades even in the presence of the authorities.

It may not be the defective flyover per se that solely factored in as the major reason for the more than an hour-long traffic jam in a road span that is less than two kilometers actually. Its Monday and expectedly the number of vehicles is on its peak. The simultaneous road clearing and widening on the foot of the defective flyover is another factor. Of course, one cannot deny the apparent rift and tension between Mayors Luigi Gorriceta of Pavia and Jerry Treñas of Iloilo City could have contributed to the problem.

Days before Monday, Treñas in a social media post lamented without naming Pavia and Gorriceta that the city is only helping a much since the flyover is in Pavia thus the jurisdiction over whose traffic management unit should take charge belongs to Pavia and he will order the city’s enforcers to back down if they are not needed anymore.

Admittedly, Gorriceta and Treñas are not in good terms and so summing up all the factors and include the lack of discipline among the motorists passing through the road network the result was the most dreaded road deadlock and the unexpected happened. People started walking as their most practical option and invaded the road barriers being placed on the entrance of the flyover.

The Pavia traffic enforcers were helpless. Emergency vehicles could not pass thru given the deadlock. Poor Mayor Treñas was left fuming and even trained his sights to Nerio Lujan, a provincial government employee who in his daily social media posts made fun of the flyover, criticized Jeck Conlu the head of the city’s traffic management unit and if Lujan is to be believed criticized only once the unit of Conlu.

Treñas was mad as a rabid bulldog. He declared that whatever Lujan says reflects the position of the provincial government. Such statement is an interesting thesis to expound since as a taxpayer Lujan has all the right to criticize the controversial project and his being an employee of the government does not necessarily deny him that right. However, the weary and tired city mayor due to the daily flak he receives because of the said project has also a point in saying that the statements being made by Lujan reflects the office where he is connected with after all he is not merely an employee but a head of office at the capitol.

Again, such is an interesting but entirely an out of route idea to expand. The issue is not about Lujan’s rants. Complicated as it may be, the city mayor and all other offices and officers involved have not made any progress in so far as resolving and repairing the concerned problematic flyover. The most that everybody has done was to call for its resolution and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has only given them callous and blank promises.

One thing, to quote international chef Tibong Jardeleza in his social media post, until now nobody has accepted responsibility over the defective flyover. Indeed, for so long as nobody accepts responsibility, the finger pointing will continue and yes, the people will continue to suffer.

So, it’s only logical to point out a fact, again and again. The contractor of the project is International Builders Corporation or IBC. The main man or say point man of IBC is Rep. Jojo Ang of USWAG Ilonggo Party-list. Mayor Treñas and Mayor Gorriceta campaigned so hard for the paryt-list. And what’s the daily battle cry of Mayor Treñas? “USWAG, Iloilo!”

In the meantime, as everybody attempts to secure a good excuse for the culprits, let’s join hands in condemning DPWH so that the blame on IBC, Jojo Ang and their political patrons are deflected. ANTOS ANAY, Iloilo!