The local government of Sibalom in Antique has allotted P3 million to light up the streets around the municipality.

Sibalom Mayor Gian Carlo F. Occeña said he gave priority to lighting facilities around the town proper of Sibalom so the locals could enjoy strolling along the plaza and streets by December when they celebrate Christmas.

“I am giving priority to the lighting of the town proper,” he said in an interview.

He is waiting for the plan from the Sibalom Municipal Engineer’s Office but he emphasized that he would like to see illumination from the University of Antique main campus to the town plaza towards the municipal hall and the market.

“I still do not know how many street lights would be installed,” Occeña said.

He added the installation of streetlights is also in response to the insufficient streetlights, hence during nighttime the town proper seems to be dark.

Apart from the lighting project, Occeña said that his other priority project is the purchase of dump trucks to be used in garbage collection and for other purposes. The plan has P6-million allocation.

“We are working for Sibalom to become zero waste so the dump trucks will also be used for garbage collection,” he said.

He said right now the municipal government is encouraging households to segregate their wastes.

He said that the municipal government with the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources

Office (MENRO) is also planning to only collect recyclable waste materials such as plastic wares.PNA