Antique’s Malandog River Cruise is sailing soon after a successful ocular inspection conducted by Governor Rhodora J. Cadiao and the team from the Provincial Government.

Cadiao said that the River Cruise Project in Malandog river going to Bariri, San Jose is expected to spur economic activity in the area.

“The landscape is so untouched, clean, and ripe for tourism, plus the people are very welcoming. We should use this as a venue to promote our tourism,” she said.

However, she emphasized that it should be kept clean and should maintain environmentally friendly practices.

She noted that the Malandog river is even clean and serene compared to other areas where she has gone to.

With this, she enjoined the barangay officials and the locals to give their full cooperation so this project could also attract more tourists and give them economic activity as well.

“This is another beautiful place that we can be proud of and could put Antique as a center of tourism in Western Visayas,” Cadiao noted.

The river cruise is expected to start by December in time for the launching of the 15-foot Bornean Datu figures in Malandog.

The Governor was with the Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator Julie Cepe, Tourism Officer JC Perlas, representatives from DENR and other members of the Malandog River Rehabilitation and Development Project (MaRiReDep) Task Force for the ocular inspection.

Perlas is optimistic that this project could bring a positive impact on the lives of the locals and all other tourism stakeholders in the area.BG/PSM/PIA-Antique