The municipality of Libertad in Antique province will proceed with its Banigan Festival despite calls made by the Department of Health to avoid organizing events that draw a huge number of attendees to guard against the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Libertad Mayor Mary Jean Te said they would push through with the holding of the 21st Banigan Festival on March 13-15 to heed the local residents’ clamor.

“The public clamor for the Banigan Festival to be held this March is so high,” Te said.

She said the municipal government would nonetheless implement precautionary measures.

“People will be encouraged to practice proper washing of hands and there will be thermal scanners before entering the venue to make sure everyone will be safe,” Te said.

She said the festival is very important to the people of Libertad as through the celebration, they are able to highlight their major product – the banig (mat).

“We have abundant palm leaves that are woven into mats and other items,” Te said.

She said the festival would feature beauty contestants wearing gowns made out of “banig”.

“We want to showcase that the banig is not only a good material for sleeping mat but also as a gown,” Te said.

Whoever will win the “Search for Miss Libertad” will compete in next year’s Binirayan Festival, which the province holds every December, she said.

Te noted that through Libertad’s “banig” industry, families have been able to send their children to school.

This year’s Banigan Festival may be a simple celebration but it will be an enjoyable one, she added.PNA

Banigan Festival. Photo by Dennis Natividad