“OSY for OSY: Oyster Saves Youth” is an oyster-farming livelihood project for unemployed out-of-school youth

Organic agriculture for livelihood development, oyster farming to support out-of-school youth, improving literacy by improving access to learning resources and tutorials, promoting a zero-waste lifestyle—these were just some of the projects launched by youth groups who participated in Ayala Foundation’s Leadership Communities (LeadCom) program in Anilao, Iloilo. 

At the LeadCom “Showcase and Synergize” event held at the Anilao National High School on October 26, 50 young leaders from various Anilao barangays presented the fruits of their 10-month journey as young leaders, who are actively engaged in improving their communities through projects that address specific community needs. The event coincided with the celebration of the Anilao Youth Day. 

LeadCom empowers the youth and other community leaders by helping them design and implement projects that address the most pressing needs of their respective barangays. In Anilao, Ayala Foundation partnered with the Office of Municipal Mayor Lee Ann Debuque, with support from local government officers and officials, teachers, and volunteers from the Ayala group. 

Ten youth groups with five members each presented their respective projects for the appreciation of local stakeholders. These included the following:

-Gulayan Para Sa Buwas Damlag Sang Kabataan, barangay San Juan Crisostomo and Serallo. The project is an eco-friendly farm that grows organic vegetables for the benefit of out-of-school youth. The farm also serves as an eco-friendly park for the residents of two barangays. 

-BASURAHUNT: A WOW Campaign! barangay Poblacion and Palaypay. This “War On Waste” campaign aims to sustain the proper waste segregation effort of the Anilao LGU at the public market level. It ensures proper handling of biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage and converting of recyclable materials into artistic handicrafts among market vendors. 

-OSY for OSY’s: Oysters Save Youth, barangay Pantalan and Sta. Rita. This talaba-farming project works with 20 unemployed out-of-school youth to help improve their income.

-Bote at Papel para sa Books and Chairs, barangay Balabag and Camiros. This project fosters innovation, resourcefulness, and cooperation through collection and selling of garbage. This is then used to produce storybooks to elementary school pupils. 

-Gulayan para sa Kabataan, barangay Medina and Sto. Rosario. This project trains three parents in organic farming as well as the marketing and selling of their produce. 

-Basa para sa Bata: A library of hope, barangay Sambag Culob and Badiang. This advocacy project gives opportunities for school children who have need to improve their reading skills with an easy-access library, as well as through reading sessions, donation drives, and assistance from community members. 

-Pantat para sa Edukasyon sang Kabatang taga VIST-JUAN, barangay Agbatuan and Vista Legre. The project has trained OSYs in catfish farming. What they earn from the project is used to send some of the participants to school. 

-Pot Kabuhayan, barangay Balunos and Mostro. This project has trained OSYs and unemployed women in innovative pot making and succulents and cactus growing.

-SeaScape: A Marine Life Preservation and Coastal Protection Advocacy, barangay San Carlos, Dangula-an, and Cag-an. This project promotes the awareness of marine preservation and coastal protection among community members. It also aims to protect the marine biodiversity by having enough and proper facilities for waste management. 

-MG Manokan: Itlog ka Manok sa Kabukiran, Sabat sa Masanag nga Buasdamlag sang Kabataan from barangay Manganese and Guipis. This project helps in-school youth and their families gain income by producing and selling chicken eggs, so that students can stay in school. 

The municipal government also honored the LeadCom Anilao projects that exhibited excellence, creativity, and impact. The big winner was the marine preservation advocacy project, SeaScape. 

Present at the “Showcase and Synergize” event were Ayala Foundation Senior Director for Social Development Joanna Duarte and Anilao Mayor Lee Ann Debuque. The LeadCom event was one of the highlights of the municipality’s Anilao Youth Day, which gathered together hundreds of Anilao youth for a day of celebration and advocacy for the environment.