Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas on Tuesday, May 26, reimposed the ban on alcoholic drinks in Iloilo City.

“Effective immediately, the sale and consumption of any form of liquor or alcoholic beverage, or any alcoholic drink containing a specific percentage of alcohol by volume or weight which may be in the form of whisky, brandy, gin, rum, cordial liquor, wine, champagne, vermouth, basi, tuba, saki, beer, ale, stout, and the like shall be absolutely prohibited [within the city],” Executive Order No. 82 stated. 

Treñas said his decision was prompted by “several reported incidents and complaints related to the abuse in consumption of alcohol, and violations of physical distancing measures.”

The liquor ban in the city was lifted by the mayor on May 16.

The appropriate penalties under the Iloilo City Tax Code will be meted out to business establishment caught selling and dispensing alcoholic beverages.

Those persons who will be proven to have violated the EO will face the appropriate administrative and/or criminal charges.IMT

Photo of Treñas by Arnold Almacen