Cebu Pacific will temporarily stop its flights between Iloilo and Hong Kong amid the continued spread of the novel coronavirus (nCoV).

The suspension of flights, which is set to take effect on Feb. 4 until March 29, 2020, is a precautionary measure against the deadly coronavirus.

Hong Kong is one of the countries affected by nCoV, which originated in Wuhan, China.

According to the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), the last flight from Hong Kong before the 55-day suspension is scheduled to arrive at the Iloilo International Airport on Feb. 3.

Meanwhile, the airline’s flights between Iloilo and Singapore, also an nCoV-affected country, are continuing.

Health authorities said there were 20 confirmed nCoV cases in Hong Kong (10) and Singapore (10) as of Friday, Jan. 31.

Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor earlier requested Cebu Pacific to temporarily halt its flights to and from countries with cases of nCoV.

“Your favorable and immediate action on this request will be highly appreciated,” he said in his letter sent to Leah Vallido, operations manager of Cebu Pacific.IMT