The number of active coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Western Visayas has gone down to 22.

Of the 113 total confirmed cases of the dreaded disease in the region, 81 have recovered while 10 have died.

Last week (May 25-31), seven patients were able to recover from COVID-19. The recoveries included the following:

▪33-year-old male from Dingle, Iloilo
▪32-year-old male from Pavia, Iloilo
▪35-year-old male from Valladolid, Negros Occidental
▪23-year-old male from Banate, Iloilo
▪65-year-old male from Caluya, Antique
▪43-year-old female from Caluya, Antique
▪42-year-ole male from Tobias Fornier, Antique

Meanwhile, the region’s death toll remained at 10. The last fatality was recorded in Bacolod City on May 3.

According to the Department of Health (DOH-6), sixteen of the 22 remaining COVID-19 patients in the region are staying at quarantine facilities, five are admitted in hospitals, and one is under strict home.

Eleven or one-half of the active cases involve repatriated overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). The other half are patients from Iloilo City (5), Antique (2), Capiz (1), Iloilo province (1), Negros Occidental (1), and Bacolod City (1).IMT