Almost all local government units (LGUs) in Western Visayas can now access the social amelioration subsidy from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

DSWD Assistant Secretary Rhea Peñaflor said they had already released P6.8 billion to 131 out of 133 or 98% of the LGUs in the region.

The biggest portions of the amount went to Negros Occidental (including Bacolod City) and Iloilo (including Iloilo City) with P2.8 billion and P2.3 billion, respectively.

Capiz got P787 million; Aklan, P390 million; Antique, P375 million; and Guimaras, P107 million.

DSWD-6 Director Ma. Evelyn Macapobre commended several LGUs for their efforts to expedite the distribution of the cash aid in their respective areas.

Among that LGUs that already started the distribution of the cash assistance are the following:

Antique: Anini-y, Belison, Culasi, Libertad, Patnongon, Tobias Fornier, and Valderrama

Negros Occidental: Candoni, EB Magalona, Hinoba-an, Manapla, Don Salvador Benedicto, Sipalay City, and Bacolod City

Iloilo: Ajuy, Barotac Nuevo, Estancia, Mina, New Lucena, Pototan, San Miguel, Zarraga, and Iloilo City. 

Capiz: Dumarao

Guimaras: Sibunag

There are a total of 1,472,683 Social Amelioration Program (SAP) beneficiaries in Western Visayas, including the 318,899 members of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

Each beneficiary is entitled to receive P6,000. 

“We salute all of you for working hard to provide assistance to those who need help the most,” Macapobre said.IMT