The number of modernized jeepneys in Iloilo City has increased to 241 servicing various routes with the addition of 121 new units during the last week of November and early this month, according to the Public Safety and Transportation Management Office (PSTMO).

“Early next year we are also expecting 500 additional modernized units, which will be a big help since we have noticed in the last few months that we really lacked jeepneys. Before December we only have more than 120 units,” said PSTMO head Jeck Conlu in an interview on Wednesday, Dec. 28.

He added that even with the additional modernized jeepneys, they did not reduce the traditional jeepneys, which are already a big augmentation, especially in routes where there are not enough jeepneys for now.

The PSTMO head said the target is to have 1,767 modernized jeepneys servicing commuters before the end of 2023 as mandated in the enhanced Local Public Transport Route Plan (LPTRP), a detailed route plan with corresponding units in compliance with the Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization Act.

Conlu said that the city government is looking forward to the approval of the LPTRP next year.

The status of the transport plan will be one of the topics that will be tackled during the yearend meeting of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) under the leadership of its officer-in-charge Riza Marie T. Paches.

Conlu said in his talks with Paches two weeks ago, there were no major changes as far as the city’s enhanced LPTRP is concerned.

Except for the route that was increased to 25 from the previous 24, the number of units that will be allowed to ply and the expected passengers are the same.

If it will be approved early next year, the city government will immediately embark on massive information dissemination for the benefit of affected commuters.

He added that if it will be implemented simultaneously with that of the province, then they would know if provincial public utility vehicles can still enter the city.

Otherwise, the city’s version of the route plan is also ready, Conlu said.Perla Lena/PNA