About 22,000 barangay tanods (village watchmen) in Iloilo province stand to benefit from the P22 million allocated by the provincial government for their 2022 cash incentives.

The P1,000 annual incentive is mandated under Provincial Ordinance 2020-240, which grants benefits and incentives to barangay tanod members in the province’s 1,721 barangays in recognition of their voluntary services in maintaining peace and order.

A ceremonial turnover of the incentives for barangay tanod of the municipality of Tubungan, led by Provincial Administrator Raul Banias, Board Members June Mondejar and Rolito Cajilig, and Provincial Treasurer Jean Maire Umadhay, was held after the flag-raising ceremony at the Iloilo Provincial Capitol on Monday, June 19.

Board Member Mondejar, the author of the ordinance, said there are instances when village watchmen risk their lives and even those of their families while performing their duties.

“This is the third year that they are supposed to receive their incentives since it started two years ago. We are releasing their incentive for December 2022 because it was in the ordinance that they are supposed to receive it December of every year, similar to other volunteer workers,” he said in the vernacular in an interview on Tuesday, June 20.

Before they could receive their assistance, the ordinance requires them to plant five tree saplings that should be verified and certified by their village chief.

“That is a big help to the program of the province to plant trees to help address the climate change problem,” Mondejar added.

He said hopefully, the cash incentive would increase when provincial funds allow it because the ordinance provides at least a P1,000 incentive annually.

The fund will be released to the representative of local government units who, in turn, will distribute it to the villages.

Mondejar is also urging those in charge of processing their documents at the municipal level to prepare their requirements earlier to comply with the provision of the ordinance that it should be released every December.Perla Lena/PNA