Two Grade 7 students of Iloilo City National High School returned a bundle of cash worth P30 thousand to its rightful owner on Monday, Oct. 7.

Cassandra Bea Elago and Swesa Piansay found the money outside the BIR office in Molo district on Thursday last week, Oct. 3

Without hesitation, the two surrendered the money to the Molo Police Station (MPS).

Elago said they were walking on their way home from the school when they saw the money wrapped in white paper.

The two personally handed over the cash to its owner, Ma.Elsa Sotiar, 51, in the presence of Police Chief Master Sergeant Lario Esposo and Police Major Engilbert R Banquillo, MPS commander.

Sotiar of Zone 8, Barangay Calumpang, Molo works as a book keeper for an accounting office.IMT